Sunday 30 June 2013

Music Video Evaluation - Production Skills

During the production of my music video I encountered many problems along the way, which I needed to overcome, these problems were for the most part out of my control and I was forced to work around them in order to complete my production. Initially I intended to use a range of actors for my production however even though I asked them a minimum of 2 weeks prior to filming they became unavailable just before I intended to shoot my footage and eventually refused to cooperate, I did however have backup actors in the event of this occurring however they were also unavailable due to other engagements. So the first problem that I needed to work around was the lack of willing participants as I was forced to alter my idea and concept for my video to something that could be achieved solo. I also had to change my planned locations to suit my needs so I had to spend more time location scouting in order to find a suitable location for my production, as I was forced to resort to using a contingency that I had planned out in the event that I couldn’t follow through with my original idea due to any problems that might have occurred such as the lack of actors/locations.  Even with the problems I was able to find a suitable location, which I could film in, as my contingency involved the use of ambient shots of nature and scenery I chose to film in a local woodland area, which was public land and thus did not require me to acquire permission to film there however I did take care not to film any residencies or locals that might happen to have been walking around. I also planned to shoot there on multiple days in order to acquire different footage and with different light and weather conditions, although this proved to be a problem in itself as some days when I planned to go out and film the weather provided insufficient light conditions as it was overcast or it rained heavily which would have made the area inaccessible, so I needed to then plan around these problems as well during production, even though this problem was out of my control it was still an inconvenience which I needed to work around. Throughout the process while there were problems that hindered my production I was able to work around them and ultimately get the footage I required, if I were to go through with this production in the future I would firstly require any actors I needed to sign a contract which would secure their participation in order to avoid encountering the same problems I had during this production, I would also try to avoid a concept that would require a complex location or a mass of props for the production as this proved to be a problem for me as well, so in future I will try and use resources available to me such as I did with my contingency plan during this production. Overall however I think that the production went well and even though I needed to alter my plans constantly I had put a backup plan in place which made it easier for me to work around these problems and likely saved my production. 

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