Tuesday 2 October 2012

Vimeo Account Setup

One of the essential things for this course that is needed is a way to display videos on a blog, I've found so far is that you can easily display film footage and tests that you carry out, to begin with this seemed a problem as I recently had no idea how to display videos on a blog before, so in order to display my filmed footage as an example of my work I needed to figure out how to upload video to my blog. Initially I thought that I could simply upload them  directly onto my blog however due to some technical problems such as not having the correct plug-ins installed I couldn't do this. The second option was to try and setup a YouTube account and embed the videos from there, however due to heavy restrictions on what users are allowed to post on that site it seemed impractical, so the last choice was to use Vimeo, a preferred site for amateur filmmakers, and I will say that the setup of an account was easier and simpler than setting up a YouTube account as all it required was an email address and password, then I could start uploading and I could upload multiple clips at once which made it faster. The only problem I've found with Vimeo so far is the lengthy amount of time it takes to convert the uploaded videos so that it plays on the website but it converts them automatically so it doesn't seem that much of a problem as you don't even have to keep logged in to the site. I think that using the Vimeo site is going to be crucial in later work as I will need to upload vast amounts of footage to show different techniques not just to display what I've done but also as a quick reminder to myself.

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