Tuesday 2 October 2012

Camera Testing 1st Outing: Camera Movements


For our first time out filming once we were adjusted to operating the cameras we decided to get creative with certain camera movements, so using objects and structures we had available at the time in our location seemed a good idea. We placed the camera on a tripod and then placed it on a small merry go round and we placed a subject in front of the camera and had it spun around, this proved to create a very interesting way of how the camera moved as while the background was moving and out of focus the subject remained clear and in focus, this generated an interesting effect that we should consider utilising again.

Spinning Shot test 1 from Lewis Mercer on Vimeo.

New Wave
We tried to perform a series of innovative camera movements during this test to relate it in some way to the techniques of New Wave films, we did this as an attempt to imitate the camera movements or at least create a similar effect as the waltzer scene in Jean Luc Godards " the 400 Blows". We attempted to create a similar effect to that scene by using what was available at the time such as the parks merry go round to create the spinning effect, the use of such innovative methods of camera movements is a New Wave technique of filmmaking as it uses objects in the environment or whatever is available to move the camera in interesting ways without the use of expensive equipment such as a rage to move the camera.

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