Monday 3 December 2012

Unit 11: Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalytical Film Theory

To begin the start of this unit we have been looking at Psychoanalytical theories that we could apply to cinema and film production, for starters we have been studying the basics of psychoanalytical theories from psychoanalyst's such as Sigmund Freud, Jaques Lacan, Laura Mulvey and also Slavoj Zizek. The theories we have intended to initially focus upon include Freud's theory of the id,ego and superego and the oedipus complex, Lacan's theory of the "Mirror Phase" and his theories on instinctual drives and desire, Similar to the themes in the children's story "The Missing Piece" where the desire to obtain something drives us forward but we constantly need something to desire in order to keep going. Also we will be looking into Mulvey's "Male Gaze" theory about women being the object of desire within cinema, and also Zizeks views on reality, subconscious desires, fantasies and the Psychoanalysis of cinema.

Some of the resources we could possibly use for research during this unit are films that have psychological themes which would allow for theories to be applied to them, films by directors such as Alfred Hitchcock who has made numerous psychological horror films which would good to study. Also more modern films such as Fight Club or the Matrix which draw focus on the theme of reality and the self. One other possibility for research is certain documentaries that explore psychological aspects of peoples lives, one example would be a documentary known as "Married to the Eiffel Tower" which follows a few people who have romantic feelings for inanimate objects and completely avoid or reject relationships with humans in favour of certain objects or structures, which could be interesting as it would most likely involve some psychological aspects behind this unusual aspect of these peoples lives. 

Also another search method I could undertake is to read more into these psychoanalysts theories, as further knowledge would help create a better understanding of what the theories are about, as well as making it easier to analyse a film and apply these theories to them. The end result of this research will be a short 5 minute film that could include one or all of these psychoanalytical theories, so a proper understanding of them would provide a better foundation to base my own ideas upon beforehand.

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