Tuesday 20 November 2012

Oxford Location - Turf Tavern

One of the last locations we visited whilst in Oxford was a local bar which we had heard a rumour about which was famous for the people who had visited it in the past, so we decided to investigate it for one of our final locations. Finding the location actually proved rather difficult as it was supposedly hidden behind a building and the only access to it was through a narrow alleyway, so it took a while for us to actually discover it, but once we did it proved to be quite a useful location as it lead out into a very open area but with many twisting paths leading to the streets outside, and the tavern itself was located next to a part of a medieval wall that ran through Oxford. Whilst in the location we managed o get a few panning shots of the surrounding building and also some cutaway shots which would most likely prove useful during editing, so the location seemed to offer some decent footage.

Filming location-Turf Tavern footage from Lewis Mercer on Vimeo.

For this location we decided to keep the same settings from the last location, using an aperture of f/22 to get everything in focus while using an ISO of 800 to ensure that enough light entered the camera, while since it was outside and there was a lot of natural light we kept our white balance at 5000 as well as keeping the shutter speed at 500/1

Release form signed by staff of the Turf Tavern

As with the previous locations we were required to obtain permission to shoot on the premises, so we explained the situation to hem and they were cooperative and friendly and gave us permission to film both outside and inside the building, although we tried to be careful as there were a few customers that were dotted around the location and we attempted to try and avoid filming anyone without their permission.

OH&S: Occupational Health and Safety
As with the previous locations there were a few health and safety issues that needed to be addressed before we began filming in this location, as there would be other people around and we would need to be cautious about how we handled the equipment as the ground was uneven. some of the other issues include:

  • Risk of falling due to uneven ground
  • Risk of damaging equipment 
  • Risk of injuring oneself or others
  • Possibility of equipment being stolen
  • Risk of fire
These issues could be easily resolved by following simple measures to prevent any injury to ourselves or others, especially as we were on someone else's property and they would be held responsible otherwise.

  • Be cautious while moving around the location due to uneven ground
  • Ensure that all equipment is secured before filming
  • Ensure that all equipment is kept safely out of the way and in a visible location
  • Be careful around others to avoid injury to crew members or patrons
  • Ensure that no customers are filmed without their permission

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