Tuesday 20 November 2012

Oxford: Location - Simms Sweet Shop

Whilst we were in Oxford we decided it would be productive to film in a few of the local shops in order to gain some footage of a part of the busy street scene in oxford but also to gain some insight into the local area and anything that what kind of shops most people would frequent, one such shop we decided to visit was "Mr Simms Traditional Sweet Shop", this seemed like a good idea to film in as locals of all ages would visit it at some point and the range of colours that would be present would prove a useful experiment for the cameras settings and various ranges of saturation of colour, also the neatly organised shelves would provide us with some good composition for our shots.

This is a montage of some of the footage we gained whilst filming in this location.

Filming on Location-Sweet shop from Lewis Mercer on Vimeo.

For this footage we used a range of different camera settings, the Aperture was set at f/22 in order to get everything in focus including the background, The ISO was set at 800 while we used a shutter speed of 500/1, a;so we needed to turn the white balance up to at least 8000 due to the lighting within the store otherwise the footage would of had an orange tint to it.

The release form signed by staff of Simms Sweet Shop

Before filming in this location however it was necessary to obtain a signature from the manager of the store on a release form explaining our task to give us permission to film on the premises as a requirement for us to be allowed to film anything. So of course we were polite and explained the situation to the shop staff and they were kind enough to allow us to use their premises to film in, although they mentioned that they would feel uncomfortable if we filmed any customers so we tried not to accidentally capture anything unnecessary on film incase a customer was in the frame, which would require us to get a release form signed by them as well.

OH&S: Occupational Health and Safety
During the time that we were filming in this location there were a few health and safety concerns that needed to be addressed as we were filming on someone else's property so we needed to ensure that there were no safety concerns before we began filming.

  • Ensure all Equipment is safety placed in a location that is out of the way and doesn't become an obstacle to anyone in the shop
  • Ensure that all Equipment is safely secured while in use to avoid damage to it and possible injury to oneself or others
  • Take caution not to film any customers without their permission
  • Do not get in the way of customers or staff to avoid injury
  • Take caution when walking around the shop to avoid falling and injury to yourself or others.
These issues would need to be considered when filming in a location such as this, as it was such a small space that extra caution would be needed when walking around the shop especially whilst carrying equipment, as we needed to ensure we didn't unintentionally injure anyone around us or damage anything. Simple measures were taken to ensure that none of these concerns became an issue, by ensuring that we moved carefully through the shop and took care to keep the equipment in a safe and secure manner whilst filming to avoid any injury to anyone else around us.

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