Thursday 4 October 2012

Lighting Problems

Problems and Technical Faults

During the time we were practicing our development on lighting techniques we came across many problems in the process. To begin with whilst trying to set up the backdrop we had trouble unravelling it, due to its sheer size we had trouble lifting it, and in the end it unravelled on its own onto the floor so we decided to use a large white piece of cloth instead. Another problem we found was that whilst setting up the key light, we had difficulty getting it to work as for a few minutes we had no idea how to turn it on and afterwards we were unsure how to adjust it to the correct amount of light we needed although it was resolved after a while. However yet another problem occurred, this time with the flash trigger attached to the camera, it wasn't connecting to the umbrella light so the flash was not working, this was a major problem as the regular flash on the camera wasn't half as effective as with the flash trigger on the key light. In the end we had to waste at least 25-30 minutes fixing it so we had to work quicker to get the lighting techniques done because of that technical fault, other problems we found included camera batteries running out and gaps in the studio windows so we needed to spend time filling them in to make the room lightproof so as not to ruin the effectiveness of the key light during the shots.

We had a large array of problems during the lighting techniques session which we needed to backtrack and spend time fixing and adjusting, which became annoying as it caused us to stop shooting on a few occasions and even to relocate to a different area because the key light wasn't working. Although eventually all of the problems did get resolved even if through simple means, and we did get all of the lighting techniques completed in the end, which looked appropriate enough for a first attempt as they were new techniques we were testing out.

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