Wednesday 17 October 2012

Filming for Editing: Evaluation

After this session in the studio filming in order to practice editing techniques I've found that when shooting in low key lighting it's very difficult to get the right amount of light that is needed to provide an acceptable looking shot, as during filming I found that without the correct amount of light or a poor backdrop creates a variety of problems such as the background being too reflective or shadows covering the entirety of the backdrop. However I've also found that when filming for editing specific things need to be considered such as the 180 degree rule as it was a trial to get the framing just right whilst using the 180 degree rule although it did provide decent footage and in addition filming to create the Kuleshov effect was taxing as we constantly had to adjust our cameras and equipment, the backdrop or the subject and we had to use long takes to provide us with enough footage to give us as many options as possible for when we edit the footage together. This filming session was basically an experiment to practice filming footage with which we could then practice our editing skills by shooting certain things that wold be required to edit using different effects such as the Kuleshov effect and the 180 degree rule, which we tried to replicate as accurately as possible e.g. using similar objects used in the Kuleshov experiment such as a bowl of soup to intercut with a shot of our subject.

Overall aside from a few minor problems during the process we have managed to get decent footage which we can now use for editing later on to provide examples of the 180 degree rule and Kuleshov experiment, which we could then utilise for other pieces of footage that could provide us with better quality film that looks appealing and provides narrative.

These are shot taken whilst we were filming to show our process.


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