Monday 1 October 2012

3rd Outing: Evaluation

After this third session of filming, We have found that each time we learn a new technique or use a new piece of equipment, it opens up a wide range of new possibilities for us whilst we're filming. In this case it is the use of the reflector and different uses for depth of field, also we attempted to try to add the use of cutaways into some of the shots, which we found made our shots look more interesting, as experimenting with different things allowed us to be more creative and improve how we filmed each shot. The light reflector was a new piece of equipment for us so were unsure how to properly utilise it until after a few practice shots, and while experimenting with depth of field it also took a while for us to get used to it, as we needed to manually adjust the focus during shots where either the subject or camera were moving. Overall however we managed to obtain some interesting footage that uses new techniques which we had never attempted before and some shots which were greatly improved by using a new piece of equipment.

Light Reflector/Depth of Field testing
Light Reflector Shot

Depth of Field Shot 1
Depth of Field Shot 2

Depth of Field Shot 3
These shots show the effects of our experimentations with the depth of field and the light reflector, the depth of field shots were done by using placing the camera on a tripod with a wide aperture so only the foreground would be in focus, then the subject would be in the background out of focus and would gradually move towards the camera and slowly come into full focus while the background remained in shallow focus. The light reflector shot demonstrates that we learned how it can improve the lighting on a subject even if there is little or no light source which could help us improve if we are to use high contrast lighting in our final edit. 
Light Reflector Practice

These shots are examples of how we used the light reflector whilst shooting, and it shows how we needed to adjust the reflector in different ways in order to try and use it properly. we needed to use the reflector in a way so that it wasn't in the shot whilst filming and for that we needed a few practice shoots and we also need to determine how it would move with the camera if we were to do tracking shots, although overall the results seemed appropriate.

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