Wednesday 26 September 2012

3rd Outing: Summary


25th September 2012

After our second filming session we decided that the footage we had gained was lacking something so we wanted to either go out and perform re-shoots using different camera settings or take completely different footage. Again we separated into two groups, one travelling by car to obtain tracking shots and the other would perform various other shots and try to capture different camera angles and sequences. We decided that we should also use a wider variety of locations within our footage to distinguish what areas are useful for specific purposes and vantage points. One process which was new to us in this instance was the use of a reflector to add light and shadow to some of our footage, which provided a new experience for us and it did produce some interesting effects on our footage. We chose to also film various long shots, close ups and cutaways to provide a range of different shots and possibilities for editing purposes.


After the last filming session we realised that in order to get a higher quality and range of footage we would need more equipment, with the possibility of a multi camera setup to obtain various different shots and angles, so the equipment for this outing is as follows:

  • 1 Standard Tripod
  • 1 "Fluid-head" Tripod
  • 2 5D DSLR Cameras
  • 2 550D DSLR Cameras
  • 1 Compact digital stills camera
  • 1 portable light reflector
This equipment was needed as we would need different types of camera for different shot types, and also because the 5D cameras can take higher quality footage and have the option to change settings such as aperture and shutter speed manually which would give us greater range in terms of how we could use depth of field and camera focus. We also needed the light reflector as it was an overcast day and it would not only improve the look of our shots but also give us some insight into how better to use lighting techniques.

OH&S: Occupational Health and Safety

As with previous locations there is always a risk of hazards and danger occurring so sufficient action must be taken against these hazards to prevent injury to any member of the group you are working with. During this 3rd shoot we were shooting in a previously visited location, we were filming in the small park outside Abbey Theatre in Nuneaton which we used for our first location shoot. As with the first time we shot in this location, we needed to take into account the risks that were involved with this location such as:-

  • Harmful/Un-sanitary objects in the environment e.g. needles, broken glass etc
  • risk of gangs/violent individuals/criminals in the area
  • risk of falling on uneven ground
  • Risk of theft/ damage to the equipment or personal belongings
  • risk of any objects e.g. tree branches falling on any member of the crew
These risks were taken into consideration and a viable,effective solution was implemented to prevent any risk of these hazards becoming a problem to any member of the crew whilst shooting. These hazards were avoided by following these steps:-

  • The area was visited before hand to ensure no suspicious/violent individuals were around
  • The area was surveyed to ensure no harmful/un-hygienic items were present in the immediate vicinity
  • we moved around the area in groups and kept all unnecessary equipment stored away in a crew members car which was securely locked in a visible open area
  • the crew were advised to not move suddenly or quickly around the filming area to avoid risk of falling and/or injury

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